Seminarier och föreläsningar

Barncancerfonden anordnar seminarier och möten om barnonkologi för att lyfta den senaste forskningen och utvecklingen inom området och bidra till bättre behandlingar för barn med cancer.

Genom att samla experter, vårdpersonal och forskare vill Barncancerfonden bidra till nya samarbeten och kunskapsutbyten som driver innovation. Vi vill också öka medvetenheten om de särskilda utmaningarna inom barnonkologi, inklusive långsiktiga komplikationer, för att öka förståelsen för de drabbade och deras familjer.

Aktuella seminarier 

Seminar: Neurocognitive Complications After Childhood Cancer

The purpose of this symposium is to strengthen national collaboration and advance research on neurocognitive complications following childhood cancer. It is aimed at pre-clinical and clinical researchers, healthcare professionals, and various stakeholders.

Presentations and discussions will be conducted in English.


09:30 Coffee and registration

10:00-10:15   Arja Harila

Title: Welcome and brief introduction to the Swedish Childhood Cancer Funds Working Group for Toxicity and Late Complications (NAG-TSK).

10:15-11:00 Martha Grootenhuis (digital)

Title: Childhood cancer survivors: how are they doing, and what can we do to support them?

11:00-11:30 Ingrid Tonning-Olsson

Title: Multiprofessional collaboration, working as a neuropsychologist in pediatric cancer research

11:30-12:00 Elsa Landgren och Victoria Stewart

Title: Childhood cancer survivors, their own stories (In Swedish)

12:00-13:00 Lunch at Hotell Gillet

13:00-13:45 Johan Wikström

Titel: Radiological Findings After Treatment of Brain Tumors

13:45-14:15 Anna Embring

Title: : Radiotherapy for pediatric brain tumours

14:15-14:45 Susanna Ranta

Title: Neurocognitive late sequelae after childhood ALL

14:45-15:30 Coffee and mingle

15:30-16:00 Klas Blomgren

Title: Strategies to alleviate neurocognitive late complications after cranial radiotherapy

16:00 – 16:20 Arja Harila and Päivi Lähteenmäki

Title: Biobank resources and registers, what is available?

16:20-16:45 Final discussions

Registration Deadline: November 11, 2024, at 23:59.

Registration here

Event Information Symposium on Pediatric Cancer Research – Neurocognitive Complications

Date & Time: Monday, December 2, 2024, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Venue: Clarion Hotel Gillet

Address: Dragarbrunnsgatan 23, Uppsala, map link

Participation is free of charge. The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is sponsoring the symposium, covering fika and lunch. However, travel, accommodation, and work hours are not included.

This symposium is organized by the National Working Group for Toxicity and Late Complications (NAG-TSK) under the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, as part of their initiative focused on "Toxicity and Late Complications."

For questions, please contact Weronica Ek, Project Coordinator mail: