Insamlat hittills: 0 kr


Mål: 100 000 kr

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Målsättning: 100 000 kr

3 years as affiliate, Charity to Barncancerfonden!

Time for a stream-versary! 3 years since hitting affiliate! We will celebrate this wonderful event by honoring my son and his life by doing a charity stream for Barncancerfonden (Children cancerfoundation)

Time for a stream-aversary! 3 years since hitting affiliate! We will celebrate this wonderful event by doing a charity stream for Barncancerfonder (Childcancerfoundation).

I have decided that i will do this because i want to honor my son and his life!

I want also be able to contribute to something that helped me and many other people during time of hardship many people experience due to this horrible disease.

Support a good cause!

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